The Beat Goes On…Sarah + Van Susteren Tonight
Sarah’s back on her chatty pills. After two Fox News appearances last night, she’s scheduled to be back with her spiritual Siamese twin, Greta Van Susteren, on Fox tonight. Any day now, I expect to see a National Enquirer headline about the “love triangle” involving, Sarah, Greta and Franklin Graham. For a Scientologist, Greta sure hangs with militant fundamentalist Christians a lot.
Do you think Sarah is squeezing all she can out of Fox because she knows that once she announces her candidacy that golden goose will turn back into just another Lake Lucille grebe?
The math is simple: the longer Sarah delays her announcement, the longer she can keep her hands in Rupert Murdoch’s pockets.
And Fox is putting no pressure on her. Why should they? Every time she’s on their air, their ratings go up.
Expect this win-win situation to stay as it is, at least through the summer.
Until, let’s say, September 11.
The tenth anniversary of 9/11 is coming up. Keep an eye on Sarah’s plans for the occasion.
“Every time she’s on their air, their ratings go up.” Unbelievable.
Could she be as crass as to announce her run on 9/11? You betcha!
It looks like tonight’s show was pre-recorded last night. Sneak Peek: Former Gov. Sarah Palin ‘On the Record’
It’s pretty amazing that a woman as manly-looking as Greta has a more feminine jawline than Palin.
In my opinion, the reason that Fox is putting no pressure on her is that Fox knows that she’s not running. It behooves both Palin and Fox to keep up the “Will she run?” charade.
Just watched that sneak peek of Greta’s. Sarah’s getting ahead of all that “petty” stuff coming out about
her. 😉
I wonder if Scarah’s agonizing over this decision, or has already made up her mind? Personally, I think it would be highly entertaining watching her try to run for POTUS on FB, Twitter and Fox, avoiding all major networks, press conferences and debates. She would show the world definitively that she’s the biggest joke to step on the national stage in modern times. It will be interesting to see if she’ll face Michelle Bachman for Tea Party support; I’m sure the thought of facing ANY of the Rethug candidates has her shaking in her boots. For all of her bluster, we know she’s scared to death of facing anyone who isn’t paid by Fox.
I feel terrible when I know I’m contributing to Fox when I watch the line-up if Sarah’s on. Love her or hate her, she grabs people’s attention. For me, it’s insanity because I’m waiting to see if she’s as crazy as I thought she was last time. I keep hoping for a different result, and still end up banging head on desk.
Oh, she’ll spin this fake run out as long as possible to maintain her marketability. Maybe she has another “book” in the works–this one a selection of Sarah’s Favorite Squibs from Scripture, selected by and with some banal exegesis provided by another ghostwriter. (She’s gone through two already, so I assume the third “book” would have a third content provider.) But she needs to pretend to be relevant in order to sell, baby, sell.
I don’t think she’s really going to run–she’d get creamed in the debates. If she thinks she can run a winning campaign via Facebook and Twitter, she’s even more delusional than I thought she was.
None of my business, Joe, but are you back from jury duty? Defense attorneys hate writers. They really, really hate crime writers.
You don’t have to add to the ratings at fox, the sarah cult sites have the video up fairly quickly after it airs so you can watch it then. It also makes it easier to watch because you can pause the video, walk away, breathe, pet your dog or cat, kiss your husband/wife/lover, stretch, look at the sky, have a snack and then sit down again to watch the train wreck.
Seriously, does anyone else at times feel so grateful to read these blogs and to have like minded friends after surfing thru the c4p comments section? Seriously, it feels like we live in two entirely different realities and it can make you NUTS reading over there.
Jury duty is May 30.
LOL. Got my Jury duty thingee in the mail. Lucky for me I have an legitimate excuse now.
. The defense lawyers would always pass on my being a jurer.
As far as Palin, I’m still flabbergasted that she is blastin’ Arnold. People in Glass Houses and all that jazz. Seems like there was a thing about Love Children fathered during her happy marriage with her house hubby.
Wait until she announces, and we all will have even more to blog about.
I’m sure she will come out with some rank stupid twitters for Memorial Day.
My question is–if she does announce she’s running, what does Fox do with all that equipment & little studio they had built just for her in her own house? does she get to keep the camera equipment to just broadcast into the universe a la Megamind whenever her crazy pills tell her to go spout something off and she can’t find the blackberry?
I still just don’t know about her running. She’s got SO MUCH baggage….and she has GOT to be aware, even through the crazy, how much crap is going to start erupting as soon as she says the magic words. And who is out there now to defend her besides Klannity and Van Sisteran? She has proven TOXIC and it’s like the whole lamestream world is just waiting to pile on.
I know she’s insane and all, but is she THIS insane? Joe–what is your prediction of her reaction to the pile-on that’s bound to happen to her by REPUBLICANS as soon as she announces–the way the have totally walked away from Newt–don’t you think it will be 1000 times worse? How will she handle THAT?
Is that really true? If so, why did they pull her show. Seems odd that someone who is such a ratings magnet would be broadcast “whenever” and not on some kind of weekly or even daily show that could really cash in on the ad sales from high ratings.
I simply cannot watch her on T.V., Video, anything. I rely on blog reports and transcripts.
I am very, very hard of hearing and even with my hearing aids (where I still need closed-captioning), I can’t STAND the sound of her bitchy voice!!!
Umm very interesting….
9/11 has no special meaning for Palin. It was just another blip on her radar that day. It wasn’t until she figured out she could capitalize on it did she start talking about 9/11.
Since Pres.O brought OBL- kind of a dumb date to announce a run for POTUS when the world will be still talking about Pres.O and OBL.
First she was suppose to announce on Regan’s B-day- that didn’t happen.
I think you are right about the ‘chatty pills’, unless she is manic depressive as well as malignant narcissist. There are long periods of dead air from her, and then more spewing, like she can’t help herself. Since Wasilla is the meth capitol of Alaska… who knows?
And yes, she WOULD use Sept 11th as her very own stepping stone.
Yes to the question about does it make me crazy when I accidentally end up on a “for Palin” site. I read a few comments, realize I’m not really where I’m supposed to be, and then sit there and wonder in what alternate universe either I am, or they are, residing. It’s scary how much support there is out there for her and how much they fawn over her and hold her up to be this pillar of goodness and light.
So then I quickly go to a site where I feel more at home, scroll down the list of blogs, clicking on all having to do with Palin, and then I’m reminded there are others like me out there.
Sarah sounds like she is trying to do some damage control ahead of Bailey’s book release.
Hey, wasn’t the State of Alaska supposed to release Sarahs emails by now? I thought May 15 was the deadline.
I can’t wait for these upcoming books….good times.
She is!!! Did you see all the finger pointing and interupting…..she was mad as hell. 🙂
She is the epitome of crass.
Sarah Palin’s eldest son, Track, 22, recently married his high school sweetheart, Britta Hanson, 21, in a small ceremony in Hatcher Pass, Alaska.
Interesting who reported the scoop: BY LORENZO BENET AND SANDRA SOBIERAJ WESTFALL
I want to know what type of psychotropic drugs the Queen is taking. She always seems to have her tongue hanging halfway out of her mouth and licks her lips a lot. And those eyes seem crazy at times and even crazier most of the time.
interrupting even..
The truth HURTS, doesn’t it, Sarah? I still won’t watch. My stomach can’t handle it.
What’s Britta’s due date?
Sorry, that was mean. I guess. But I cannot stand the way this family tries to pass itself off as the epitme of wholesomeness and virtue.
Make that “epitome”. The whole crew annoys me so much I forget how to type.
I totally agree. WHY a quickie wedding, then a big to-do in WINTER so people can travel at the worst time of the year? I smell a bun in that oven….
My first thought was are they having Bristol’s baby!
I think someone will make her run. They know she will lose, and will become a laughingstock, but they don’t care. They have to run someone, and they don’t want to waste a viable candidate’s capital against President Obama. $he is a cheaper alternative, because $he is too dumb to know that $he needs a real campaign organization, and $he is not in a position to force them to buy her way into the presidency.
Did Sarah say that if nobody stepped up to the plate she would run. The door is wide open and she is doing an whole lot of blinking.
Let’s keep it classy. That was rude and uncalled for.
May 31, I believe.
Greta put out that teaser with Sarah saying that a tabloid emailed her about one of her kids and they had the story all wrong. Later in the day People reports that Track is married. Things that make you go hmmm
By announcing on 9/11, she can upstage the President, so when the media should be talking about how President Obama brought closure to this and Justice, SHE will be all over the news instead.
How she thinks this will help her win is a total mystery.
After Tuscon, you would not expect her Double Down.
Well, Winter is the start of Primary season, no? So why not throw a big bash, invite FOX and all the media and sell photos to People and get ATTENTION at a key time.
That benefits her the most.
OK, I don’t get it at all. Why was Santorum suspended by Fox when he was, and Palin not? He hadn’t officially announced either, I don’t think. Is it entirely up to Fox? Isn’t there some campaign rule that’s involved, or is it just by the whim of the news org? On how long a “candidate” can play around the edges of running while maintaining a huge platform/audience, without any sort of challenge or critique or debate on what they’re saying?
I suspect you’ll find the answer to your question here.
She exhibits the behaviors of the disorder and appears to also display the side effects of the medications prescribed to treat it. I’ve often thought that are several reasons she did not want her medical records released, and that her mental health history was just as important as her child-bearing history in that regard.
I am looking forward to your book, which I have pre-ordered.
I found the interview with Greta tonight quite interesting. I felt Greta was trying to tell her: stop responding, stop being so thin-skinned. pal in’s reaction was interesting . Anger. She was her hyped up self in this interview…just the reaction seen before some bad news about her is about to come out.
What was your take?
WHen she went off on Obama it was her old canard about “associations” from the past. Over and over, her envy of Obama is so palpable. A small example: having to go to Hawaii just before his yearly Hawaii trip, and then cutting it short after her call to TMZ went awry and they published pictures of her cellulite legs. Having to attack everything he/FLOTUS say – including ridiculously, breastfeeding and childhood nutrition.. Dunn’s book focused on her lies, and was an enjoyable read. I hope your book goes further.
You nailed it.
She has entered her manic phase. As time goes on, her mania and depression are easy to see. She goes all squirrelly and blabby, and starts pointing and shrieking…then she vanishes for a couple of months. Game Change did discuss her depressive episodes. The most obvious was right after the Giffords shooting when she shot off that mouth about “blood libel” and tried to make it all about her.
She will run. Her mental illness will make her run. She really believes we will all love her when we “get to know her”. And she will be blown out of the water.
How does she think she could win, she is totally unqualified, her lousy record, she’s unethical, her personal life, tax cheat, all the lies, takes no personal responsibility. To top it off she hates most American’s and they hate her back. Todd must be a piece of work to be down with her crap, and alright with her running for any office. Can you image all the people her and Todd would be taking revenge on? She keeps secrets even from her family, she would be pulling the wool over the people all the time. Her by herself would be bad enough, but the family and friends circus she would bring with her is just unthinkable.
It’s quite possible that she’s bipolar, except that her “downs” are really not all that down. Her manic ups, on the other hand are something else. She’s a Freudian delight and it would take someone with much more knowledge of the field than I have to nail it; but like Captain Queeg “she crawls with clues”. I’m sure there’s a PHD there waiting to be written. 🙂
Newhounds thinks she will use her “Family” as a excuse to opt out…
on Chris Mathews show http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3036697/#43100599
one guy comes out and openly calls her unstable & a “narcissist”! Until Fox cuts her loose I’d say she is playing and griftin off her base.
“Come after us based on our record, based on our present-day statements about what we intend to do to, for, with this country. ”
GVS says “Anybody’s got any dirt, though, you know, really bad things in the past… voters need to know that.”
Oh man!
Warning her?
Oh and I think IF she does run it will be “Goin’ Rogue4 Sarah” pretty good promo for your book Joe 🙂
I had a couple of tweets re: “fire in her belly”:
https://twitter.com/#!/WarpdElfAtYrSvc/status/71626042665742337 <-left behind
https://twitter.com/#!/WarpdElfAtYrSvc/status/71622726460260352 <-indigestion
Thank you for the link nancydrewed. The condition describes Mrs. Palin to a tee.